Tag Archive for: Donations

Gift of giving inside coloured circle of hands

Did you know that if you’ve made donations of money to a donee organisation, you may be able to claim a tax credit?

To claim a tax credit you need to file a Tax credit claim form (IR526) for the relevant tax year.

You can claim a tax credit for donations if you:

  • made a donation of $5 or more to an approved donee organisation where the payment is voluntary and there is no identifiable direct benefit to you or your family in return for making the payment
  • earned taxable income (such as salary or wages, benefit, NZ Super, self-employed income, interest and dividends) during the year you’re claiming for
  • were resident in New Zealand at any time during that tax year, and
    are an individual (not a company, trust or partnership)

Check out the IRD website here for more info.

Or of course, just get in touch with us!